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4. How To Contribute

Can I contribute?

Please feel free to contribute yourselves by making a pull request or simply open an issue when you encounter a bug or if you would like to request a new feature.

For any major changes, make sure to open an issue first.

For any minor additions or bugfixes, you may simply create a pull request.

When you then create a pull request, be sure to link the pull request to the open issue in order to close the issue automatically after merging.

I want to contribute myself - how do I get started?

To contribute yourselves, create a fork of this repository and run git clone https://github_link_to_fork as described above.

Then create a development branch from your fork.

Navigate to the folder where the repository was cloned.

From your development branch run the command:

$ pip install -e .[dev]

This will additionally install packages for development, such as black, pylint, mypy and isort.

When you have finished working on your changes, you can then create a pull request to this repository.